Some of his ramblings in the past have been dissected and made fun of. There was also a joke going around; that the first task the WH officials would do once he became the President would be to lock his twitter account. Well, Mr. Trump has been repeating his gaffes. Few days back; he left a two word tweet "WE" and the everyone had a ball trying to fill in the rest of the words he would've supposedly wanted to write.
The best one I loved among the lots were the below ones.
Earlier this month; Trump got confused between "Council" and "Counsel" when he tweeted thus: He meant "Counsel".
The desperate Merriam-Webster dictionary went on to educate Mr. Trump on the two homophones.
Did he learn? Nope, never! He again went on to tweet 10 days later; now with the spelling "Councel". He did retweet the same message again with the right spelling but perhaps was tired to delete the old one!
Mr. Trump did something similar last night. He posted something on Twitter that had a word that has people scratching their heads.
What is covfefe? Perhaps; Mr. Trump invented a new word. Or did he convey an encrypted message? Is it short for some complicated word? Or is it some word in European language or Arabic that he might've picked up during his recent travel? Or did he just doze off mid-tweet?
Well, Trump sure does keep everyone at the edge of the seat? People have already started using the word "covfefe" in their posts and is sure going to be another crazy twitter handle. Some have started speculating that it might mean "coverage". It does come close to that. Meanwhile; I am wondering how do we pronounce "covfefe"?
Maybe "covfefe" is a mystery that will unravel much to world's joy.